Saturday, August 17, 2019

School Lunches

Emma Bennett Master Block 7th 7 November 2012 School Lunches When students buy their lunch in a typical cafeteria, they expect decent, put together meals. Students usually see long lunch lines, hear loud talking, and eat fatty and disgusting food. In the lunch rooms I see unhealthy nasty food that everyone eats every single day. I have seen chili that smells like dog poop, nacho cheese that looks like barbeque sauce that got mixed in. Also the burritos tastes like vomit which was as hard as a rock. School cafeterias need to make more edible food and provide a healthier and more delicious variety of food.School lunches can be delicious but sometimes they can be gross as road kill, and most students regret buying lunch. I have been buying lunch since my freshman year and I have gotten cheese that had a brown tint to it, uncooked pizza, chunky milk and much more. I spend two dollars and thirty five cents daily on lunch at Oakville that you would be able to find in a dumpster. School caf eterias should have a lot of healthy foods like, fruits, vegetables instead of the entire ala carte section. The lunch workers who make the lunch use frozen or canned foods and most of the food that seems appealing cost extra.Therefore, the food that looks and taste good cost more than the food students waste or do not choose to eat. Given these facts the food should be fully cooked and checked. To conclude, Oakville should put out healthier food to eat, and the food should be at a lower cost to buy. Many consequences affect many people like, the students, lunch workers, principles and parents. Students that have gotten sick and have certain allergies to foods that most workers do not realize they have. Yet they have given the students these sicknesses and allergic reactions.My friend has an allergy to wheat noodles and he has gotten noodles that he did not realize that, they contained wheat. When workers are required to wear a hair net students seem to find hairs in their food, whi ch causes them to suddenly not feel hungry. Students getting sick from school cafeteria seems to happen from eating expired foods and sometimes foods that have not been cooked all the way through. I have gotten a slice of pizza that didn’t seem to have the right color to it and it felt like it just came out of the fridge. The results after eating the uncooked pizza was me home with the so called â€Å"flu. To conclude school cafeterias should be putting out sign that show what the foods are made out of and workers should be careful with the foods they give to students. Improvements that can make school lunches healthier and less disgusting is including healthier foods. Schools should have different types of lunch lines such as specific lines for vegetarians and different parts of a lunch. For example, students who just want to buy one item can easily get in line and buy. However the amount of lunch lines at school is not enough, there are too many students that cut in front of other students because the lunch lines are way too long.Our school should add more lunch lines that way everyone can have enough time to eat their lunch. Schools should make more accurate serving sizes instead of giving to much or not giving enough. Some students get too much food and what they do not eat ends up in the trash. Students who do not get enough food have to go back in the lunch line and buy more food. Schools need to listen to the complaints about lunch that way they can figure out a way to make the school lunches better. So school principles and lunch workers need to follow the guidelines of the students because the students know what is best for them.Several students do not agree that our school lunches are not healthy, however they are the kids that are a little over weight. Some students believe our lunches are perfect and should not be changed into healthier food. Our lunches do not have the correct amount of serving sizes and they do not have enough nutrients i n the food. Lunch lines are perfect and they go by fast and not many people cut in front of you. Lines are longer because too many people cut and I have been late to class because I have not had enough time to eat lunch.Students can argue about our lunches as much as they want but our school lunches need to change. Lunches at school need a huge change and many students and principles do not realize they are so unhealthy. Schools should include more fruits and vegetables no more sugars, no more fatty foods. More students are eating lunches which gives them a chance of diabetes and are gaining more weight everyday from eating unhealthy school lunches. Schools need to listen to students guidelines and help prevent diabetes and being overweight. School Lunches The lunch menu of Meadow Oaks Academy consists of turkey and noodles, two salads, macaroni and cheese, turkey meat loaf, sloppy Joes, chicken enchiladas, fish sticks, spaghetti of meat sauce, baked chicken, hamburgers, beans of hen, Spanish rice and beef toast, hamburger buns and hot dog buns. Mixed fruits, apples, bananas, peaches, Mandarin oranges and pineapples are the fruits that are provided. They are also provided a variety of vegetables like spinach, broccoli, green peas, baked squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, mashed potatoes etc. as well as mixed vegetables. In addition to this there is whole milk too in the menu. Achiger Elementary school provides fiesta nachos, pepperoni pizza, chicken tenders, beef and pasta casserole, soft taco, crispy chicken wrap, breaded beef patty, breaded chicken on bun, hamburger, corndog, cheese dippers, fish sticks, toast hamburger buns and hot dog buns. Fruits consist of pineapple chunks, Mandarin oranges, pears, fruit cocktail, chilled peaches and orange slices. Vegetables that are provided to the children are sweet corn, green beans, broccoli of cheese, baby carrots, peas etc. The milk is strawberry and / or chocolate flavored. Desserts include ice creams, gelatin, apple sauce, frozen fruit treat and cookie. Chips are offered twice a month. After analysis I feel that comparatively, the lunch menu of Meadow Oaks Academy is better than that of Achiger Elementary school. This is because Meadow Oaks Academy pays more attention on the heath and nutrition aspect of the children and this is why the children of that school are not allowed any sweets or food items that are high in sugar. This school also provides unflavored whole milk whereas the Achiger Elementary school provides strawberry or chocolate flavored milk. It was observed that the chocolate flavored milk is popular amongst the children of the school as a result they are consuming more sugar than the Meadow Oaks Academy. The Achiger Elementary school makes the fruit section a lot more attractive by providing varieties like fruit cocktail, chilled peaches, orange slices etc. Thus, the Achiger Elementary school scores high in the presentation and variety quotient whereas the Meadow Oaks Academy scores high on the health quotient. It provides ten percent butter in vegetables, and the vegetables are steamed unlike the vegetables of Achiger Elementary school which are canned and frozen. However, the vegetables of Achiger Elementary school do not have any butter at all. It should be noted that main course of both the institutions are more or less on equal level.

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